Chen Qiufan and Kawabata Yasunari both provide complex and compelling case studies for the role of humans in the lives of non-human animals. Particularly, how humans have the powerful ability to control and manipulate non-human animals, taking away their autonomy. The triptych inspired by “Balin” serves as a visual representation and journey through the story. It depicts the consequences of playing puppeteer with a non-human life. Through Adobe Photoshop, I was able to create vivid imagery with symbolic motifs that transformed “Balin” into visual art, underscoring the emotional and ethical dilemmas behind controlling non-human animals. The analytical aspect on puppetry and zoopoetics in “Of Birds and Beasts” continues to explore the theme of human control over non-human animals. Kawabata’s poignant writing illustrates the human power to treat other lives as “playthings” and puppets, all for the pursuit of an “ideal form.”
Overall, the goal of this exhibit is to prompt viewers to ask questions and reconsider the human role in non-human animals' wellbeing and livelihood. It’s crucial that we challenge the notion of humans as puppeteers, and advocate for a deeper understanding of the relationship between human and non-human animals.