Browse Exhibits (2 total)

Listening to the Voices of the Silenced: An Analysis on the Utilization of Animals as Allegorical Messages for Political Commentary


When analyzing the relationship between government and media, a comparison can be made to the dynamic that exists between mankind and animals. Governments and humans stand for rigid constructs, social hierarchies, and asserting power to maintain strength and security. Media and animals emulate a more liberated nature, turning away from pre-established regulations and finding ways to exist despite the dominance that tries to overpower them from the former pair mentioned. While governments and humans try to silence and exert power over media and animals, the latter have found ways to maintain their autonomy over their own independence and such can be seen when the two are combined to act as a criticism of these human-centric institutions. This exhibition will analyze how different mediums of media (literature, film, and art) have used animals and nature to serve as allegorical criticisms on the failure of governments and mankind to defend themselves against the censorship and constraint they experience. 

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Breaking the Mold: Wolf Representation and Imagery in East Asian Literature

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This exhibition explores the representation of wolves in the context of chaotic times, spanning from the 20th century to the post-human era. By comparing three works rooted in East Asian culture: Lu Xun’s The Misanthrope, Tsushima Yūko’s Laughing Wolf, and Kim Bo-young’s Last of the Wolves, it aims to discover the interaction between human and wolf figures, capturing the clash of conflicting forces between corruption and modernity under the influence of an unstable zeitgeist.

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